Reflections on how to jazz up a boring day at work
1.When co-workers ask how you’re doing, respond with an inappropriateword or phrase. So instead of saying “I’m fine” you’d respond “I’mbreezy”, “I’m jazzy”, “I’m full of whimsy”.
2.In work communications whether corresponding by email, phone or inmeetings, try inserting phrases like “That sounds magical” or “howenchanting”.
3.Sing along to the radio (this can have even more of an impact ifyou’re a poor singer or you don’t know all the words to the song andyou make the words up).
4.Send the lyrics to Tik Tock to all your co-workers. Make them use aline from the song in all of their communications…e.g. Sara, can youplease send me the latest report . And by the way, ”I’m talking abouteverybody getting crunk, crunk…”
5.Ask your co-workers to join an alliance. Then post the names of youralliance members so everyone can see them. Do not feel pressured intocoming with a logical explanation for starting an alliance at work.There is none. Once done forming your alliance, consider forming anentourage.
6.Start some random “day” at work (e.g Vintage Rock Concert t-shirtday - the longer the name, the better - where everyone wears theirconcert t-shirts from the last century) and see how many people goalong with you. It can be surprising how your co-workers will listento your random ideas.
7.Start a fake resume. It could contain things like: I excel atsinging songs with repetitive lyrics (e.g. anything by Technotronic);I effectively create conflict and distraction in the workplace; I’mout for myself; I effortlessly offer poor customer service; Iefficiently use time in boring meetings by writing notes to co-workersand coming up with other ideas for employment. Anytime someone at workmentions what you need to improve, tell them you’ll add it to yourfake resume. They’ll be confused and leave you alone.
8.Repeatedly record songs a coworker hates on her voicemail.
9.Start a rumour about yourself (e.g. “Hey Melissa, did you hear thenews? I had an affair with Tiger Woods?”)
10.Post random things up in your workspace. E.g. pictures of DavidCassidy, the lyrics for Tik Tock, a Quizno’s receipt with the words“Are you having an affair?” highlighted in yellow (note: Quizno’s doeshave this question on top of their receipt…I have taken the liberty towrite the words “with Tiger Woods” afterwards).
So these are all things I’ve come up with and done. I’m so proud.Maybe I’ll add this to my fake resume!
5 Goals for November
13 years ago
Everyone should refrain from #8 on the's just plain annoying.
Thanks for the shout-out in #4.