Otherwise, they will have a situation like this...
Otherwise, they will have a situation like this...
I have to point out right away that the title of today’s post has nothing to do with what I'm going to write about...sorry, I just wanted to use that title. One day when you have your own blog you too can write anything you want...it's quite enjoyable actually.
Anyways, I was contemplating how Charlie has made the word WINNING popular. I have my own catch phrase which can be used at work: WHINING!
It seems to fit scenarios where one thinks the following thoughts: "when will this meeting be over?", "why am I even in this meeting?", "why do I work here?", "why is this technical person talking about Java and they aren't even referring to coffee?", "why don't we have a milk steamer and cappuccino maker here at work...I can't believe I'm forced to work under such conditions!", "why is getting a physical at the doctor's less dreadful than coming here to work every day?"
Maybe I should apply to be Charlie’s intern after all…now THAT would be WINNING!
6. Give to your colleagues for Christmas, Easter, birthdays or random occasions.