First of all, I was super jazzed because I finally got the OWN Network! I even bought a big "O" necklace to commemorate this (note: it's really just a long necklace that is circular at the bottom but to me this symbolizes Oprah). My favourite show so far is where it follows Oprah and her team while they prepare for her talk show. It gives us fans an inside look on how a show is put together.
I have to admit, after watching a few episodes, I do find that Oprah scares me sometimes (note: I scare easily) when she doesn't like something. Maybe I won't work for her after all. Maybe we'll just be friends one day. Yes. That's it. Just friends. Just like her and Gayle!
So that was the high point of my week. The low point came the other night when I VOLUNTARILY attended an insurance brokers dinner to listen to a president of an insurance company talk about what is happening in the insurance industry.
So let me be clear. I worked all day and then in my spare time I CHOSE to attend a work function where insurance matters were being discussed. This is alarming. What is going on? Why would I choose this? What is happening to me? I am as in need of an intervention as Charlie Sheen.

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