Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Pinata Perfection
I'm loving how the red in the pinata matches the red of my file folder. It also blends in with the rest of the clutter on my desk.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Office Accessory Magic!
Some places do this by having carpet on the wall (complete with all the toxins from the last 50 years) to jazz things up. Others have elegant wiring hanging from the ceiling in oh so strategic places (e.g. above employees desks!).
You may not be fortunate enough to work at a fairytale locale that has all of these amenities. Fear not! The Dull Co-worker can fully endorse some of these products which will add some breeziness and spellbinding mystery to one's desk:

Warning: Ladies, if you are having an office romance (real or pretend), your beau may be jealous!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bored? Try the Roundabout Dance
Is it just me....but I don't see anyone dancing in this video.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Diary of a Dull Valentine’s Day
In case you’re wondering what a dull Valentine’s day would look like, let me share:
- Met with my energy auditor. He took pictures of my furnace and insulation invoices along with my new furnace
- Taught a fitness class at an all women’s club…Note: there was no chance of meeting Mr Right at this location
- Ate yogurt and fruit for supper
- Went to bed at 9:15pm
Flowers: 0
Chocolates: 0
Romance: -32.8
Knowing that no one else in the world will have a blog post like this: Priceless
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Do's & Don'ts of Office Romance
Now some of us don't have romance in our lives so we need to be innovative and creative in this department. And I'm not talking about joining eHarmony (note: this is in no way meant to be an offensive, anti-eHarmony/online dating remark).
What I'm saying is, why pay to start a romance when you can have one for free? And, despite what people say, work is the perfect location for love and romance...even if it appears seemingly non-existent.
Why not start an office romance tomorrow? Keep these tips in mind when you do:
Do start a pretend office romance if your job is dull.
Don't feel your pretend partner needs to be someone you would actually date.
Do tell your colleagues about it. It will add some pizzazz to your daily work conversations.
Don't feel the need to tell your pretend partner about it. Chances are he won't figure it out nor would he understand if you told him about it.
Do feel good about being in a pretend office relationship.
Don't feel it's inappropriate...even if your "boyfriend" is a gambling, possible alcoholic with commitment issues.
Do add some spice to your pretend relationship by having a break up every now and then. That will make it seem more real.
Don't feel the need to justify the break up to your co-workers who have real relationships...they may not understand...

Friday, February 11, 2011
Happy Friday!
Like my good friend at Hare Styling does on Fridays, I want to brighten your day with a pretty picture.
This is one of our new work areas. Don't you just love the hanging accessories?

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
2 + 2 = 5?
Case in point, my friend today asked me to do the following multiplication without using a calculator. Get out a piece of paper and pen and see if you can do this:
X .13
I think they taught us how to do this type of math in elementary school yet now I can't figure it out without using a calculator. I think it's because I rarely use the logical side of my brain at work (if you've been reading my blog for awhile, this doesn't come as a surprise). Simple math is now challenging for me.
Other things are challenging for me as well such as opening a milk carton (update: it's been one week and the Dairy Board of Canada has not responded to my email regarding the poor quality milk carton openings...they obviously have poor customer service as well..I will keep you posted as soon as I receive a repsonse).
When I was young, I remember I was sure I'd do great things with my life. The harsh reality is that I struggle to get a volunteer position. After writing my Unwanted Volunteer post, I was motivated to once more try volunteering...and again I met with the dreaded feeling that comes when one's offer for free work is rejected.
On the plus side, I am experiencing more days where I can zip up my high boots. For those who have been following my calf chronicles, you read with intrigue that I had been unable to zip up my high boots because my calves are too big. Well, I can happily report that finally my calves appear to be lengthening and shrinking...perfect!
Also, information is flooding in from readers trying to help me with this predicament. Apparently there is an insert that one can use to make the boots wider. This sounds amazing! And, my hairdresser told me there are websites where one can purchase wide boots....for $300. If you want to donate money to my Big-Calf-High-Boot Fund, I encourage you to do so.
In short, sometimes I feel my life is a sit-com. I wonder if anyone is filming it? And if so, I hope my ratings are at least as high as Jersey Shores.