The Dull Co-worker has found herself once again travelling for work. As I sit here at the Vancouver airport at 6am and have almost two hours until my flight, I thought I'd write this blog on how to jazz up an otherwise dull wait at the gate besides the obvious texting/emailing.
- Sing along to the Hall & Oates song they are playing at the nearby restaurant.
- Listen to other people's conversations while pretending to read. You will hear fascinating bits of information being exchanged (e.g. "he said he's working on a speech on disarmament theories"...."I heard Miley Cyrus is a terrible live singer").
- Figure out what is meant by "disarmament theory".
- Contemplate whether it makes sense to get a Starbucks before the flight or not. Do I want to be totally hyper while sitting on a plane for five hours or would I rather fall asleep and drool on the person sitting next to me. I choose to drool.
- Make friends. It reminds me of one of the lines in a Mitch Ablom book (I think it's from The Five People You Meet in Heaven): "Strangers are friends you haven't met yet."
- People watch. Note: you must master the "quickly look away" manoveur because you don't want them to know you're watching them. That would just be creepy and wrong.
- Clean out your purse (men, perhaps you have a man purse or a wallet to clean out?). Try to figure out if you really need the 6 pens, 4 napkins, and 3 different flavours of tea you never intend on drinking that you find at the bottom of your purse.
- Visit the airport stores and try to determine how they can get away with charging so much for a bottle of water. Then purchase the water.
- Read magazines at the airport stores.
- Try to figure out what you'll do now that security has taken away your bear/dog spray.
You are so funny Dull Co-Worker!